Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dallas- Miss Rodeo America Seminar

A former co-worker reminded me that I was slacking on my blog posts. He was right. I will be updating with some of my most recent trips! 

MRA Seminar - Dallas, TX

I had the opportunity to attend the Miss Rodeo America Seminar at the Dallas Market at the end of March. It was a great experience and we had some wonderful clinicians to learn from.
Had the chance to learn from the legendary horseman Chris Cox at the infamous Cowtown Coliseum. The
All of the participates at the Dallas Market. Mostly state queens, but a few girls from Texas and California came to learn from the best. It was so nice to meet everyone and get to know the other girls.


Got to check out the famous Billy Bob's! The whole group was introduce at the rodeo that evening by walking through smoke machines. It was pretty rock star status! 

We even got to watch a true fashion week at the Dallas Market Center- then walked the runway to clips the show!

Overall the trip was a lot of fun. Had the chance to room with Miss Rodeos Oklahoma, Arizona (then lady-in-waiting) and Kansas. I am always so impressed with these young, talent ladies. Next stop on my trip will be Oklahoma for the Ram National Circuit Finals in at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie. I sure have a story from that one! Coming soon....

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